Goddess Sita And her Sexual Life (English)

‫لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله

There is no God except Allah (SWT) and Muhammad (PBUH) is his Messenger.

Hinduism is one of the complex religions in the world. The Hindus are always convincing of their religion and they are very much in confidence that they are on the right path. Always trying to convince that the Muslims are the follower of the wrong path. This article will focus on one of their Goddess, Sita the wife of Rama. 

Now we will discuss the sexual characteristics and the most immoral things that can be preserved in any Word of God. We will be going through Valmiki Ramayana which is one of the book which is highly respected and highly considered in the religion.

Sundar Kanda
Chapter: 15
Verses: 28-29
"Her face resembled the full moon which dispelled the encircling gloom by its radiance. She had a slender waist, beautiful round breasts, shapely eyebrows, red lips, dark hair, and eyes like lotus petals with attractive limbs. She was comparable to Rati, consort of Cupid."

One of the famous God named Hanuman talks about the beauty of Sita. How beautiful she is according to Hanuman.

Sundar Kanda
Chapter: 38
Verses: 11-28

Having heard Hanuman, Sita, a child of god, said these words in a low tone. Choked with tears, ‘Carry this token of identity to my dear husband’:
12) Long ago we were staying at Siddhashrama. This hermitage was situated to the northeast at the foot of Chitrakuta Mountain which was not far from the river Mandakini. It had abundant roots, fruits and water. You sported with me in the gardens which were fragrant with many types of flowers and ponds. You sat down on my lap with wet clothes in the hermitage.
13) Then a crow greedy of flesh began to peck my bosom with its beak. I took a clod of earth and warded him off.
14) The crow was an eater of offerings, hungry for food began to peck me again and again for flesh. He did not stop.
My upper cloth was slipping. I was trying to pull up my waist string angrily when you saw me.
Then you made fun of me, and I became angry. I was abashed. Torn by the voracious bird I sought your shelter.
Exhausted, I sat on your lap again. Seeing my angry face you pacified me. You were happy (to see me draw close).
O lord when I was angered by the crow and my face was filled with tears you marked me wiping my eyes.
Totally exhausted I slept on your lap for a long time, and in turn you slept on my lap later.
The crow came back again and clawed me in the space between my breasts even after I woke up after slumber from Rama’s lap. Flying, it tore my bosom again and again.
Then, Rama got wet by the discharged drops of blood. Thereafter, that splendorous Rama, the annihilator of enemies, who was in a pleasant slumber, was woken up by that crow and by me who was grievously tormented by the crow.
O strong-armed Rama, seeing my torn breasts, you became angry like a hissing serpent and hissing said:
O Sita, with a beautiful lap like an elephant trunk, by whom is your bosom wounded? Who is sporting with an angry five-hooded snake?
24) Then looking around, you saw the crow facing me with sharp, bloodstained claws.
25) This crow was the best of birds. He was surely Indra’s son who had covered a long distance with great speed and his speed was like the Windgod’s."

Sita is spending her romantic time with her husband Rama but the son of Indra disguised as a crow comes and tries to tear the breasts of Sita. This is the HOLY SCRIPTURE of Hinduism. The Divine Gods of Hinduism, trying to create a porn film with each other.

Aranya Kanda
Chapter: 46
Verses: 15-21&27
"15) Who are you with a golden complexion, clad in yellow silk, and looking like a lotus-pond and wearing an auspicious lotus garland?
16) O lady with a beautiful face, with lovely thighs, are you ‘hri’, shyness personified? Are you the auspicious lovely Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth? Are you the goddess of fame? Are you an apsara? Are you Bhuti, the goddess of fortune? Or are you Rati, the goddess of love moving at your free will?
17) Your teeth are even and pointed, white and beautiful. Your eyes are large and clear and sparkling with dark pupils with a red tinge at the corner.
18-19) Your big hips are stout and strong, Your smooth thighs are like the trunk of an elephant, your breasts adorned with gems, are round and robust like palm fruits and drooping with heaviness with projected stiff nipples, shining and delightful, adding beauty.
20-21) O lady with an elegant smile, beautiful teeth, lovely eyes you are enticing. Your slender waist can be compassed by my fist. Your hair is beautiful and your large breasts are rubbing against each other. You are capturing my mind just as the flow of water in a river touches its banks.
27) O best of women O lady with beautiful buttocks can you be one of the Rudras or Maruts or Vasus? To me, you appear like a goddess."

Here Ravana the Hindu God visits Sita he describes her in the way that is stated above. Look at the obscene words he uses for Sita, I am going to list them down, following are the characteristics that were described by Ravana above;
1) Lovely thighs (verse 16) 
2) Big, strong, stout (fat) hips (verse 18-19)
3) Smooth thighs like trunk of an elephant (verse 18-19)
4) Round breasts, stiff nipples, shining (verse 18-19)
5) Large breasts rubbing against each others (verse 20-21)
6) Beautiful buttocks (verse 27)

Yuddha Kanda
Chapter: 48
Verses: 9-11
"My hairs are fine, equal, and blue; my eye-brows touch each other; my hips are devoid of down and round; and my teeth are close. My temples, and eyes, hands, feet, ankles, and thighs are equal. And my fingers are furnished with round nails, and are plump and even in the middle. And my breasts are close and firm and developed, and have their nipples sunk. And my navel is depressed, with high sides. And my chest is swelling."

Now on another occasion Sita is describing herself of her beauty. 

These are the verses of Hindu scripture called Valmiki Ramayana. The sexuality, the obscenity, and the scene created by the Gods and Goddess of the Hindu religion, and the Hindus still go around and tell with pride that their Religion is very good and great, no errors. The only question occurs IS THIS REALLY THE WORD OF GOD? 
Remember, if a Hindu comes and tries to fight against Islam or any other religion they must look at their own collars and see if their collar is clean. 
Spread the word, "Islam is Life."

Community For Islamic Research


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