Aqeedah of Molana Modudi

لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا ٱللَّٰهُ مُحَمَّدٌ رَسُولُ ٱللَّٰهِ‎ 

Starting with the name of Allah (Subhanahu wa ta'ala) The Most Merciful, the Entirely Merciful!

Syed Abu Al-A'la Modudi (1903-1979) was one of the known Muslim orators known for his influence on the common Muslims. But being an orator does not mean that your Aqeedah is correct and it is not flawed. In this post we will learn about the distorted Aqeedah of his.

Syed Abu Al-'Ala Modudi's Criticism of the Prophets (Anbia) Alaihissalam

Modudi was a critique of the Prophets, we can find numerous examples of it from his books. 

Prophet Adam Alaihissalam

Modudi writes: 
“Here you should understand the reality of the human weakness that was apparent of Adam (alaihi salaam). A spontaneous emotion caused by satanic encouragement made him negligent. As soon as his self-control languished he fell from the lofty pedestal of obedience into the pit of sin.” 
[Tafheemul Qur`aan, Page 133, Vol. 3]

Prophet Nuh Alaihissalam

Modudi writes: 
Sometimes a delicate and natural occasions arises for a Nabi, even such lofty and honoured humans are prone to give in to their human weaknesses. But when Allaah Ta`ala gave him a warning that the son who left the Haqq and took to Baatil, understand him to be yours purely for this reason that he was born from your back. It was the result of ignorance. He then immediately disregarded this wound in his heart.” 
Tafheemul Qur`aan, Part 4, Surah Swaad, page 327]

Prophet Musa Alaihissalam

Modudi writes: The example of Moosa (Alaihissalaam) is like an impatient conqueror, who marches ahead without making arrangements for those whom he left behind, and behind him rebelliousness spreads like a wild, uncontrolled fire.” 
[Risaalah Tarjumaan Qur`aan, Vol.29, no. 4, Page 5]

Prophet Daood (Dawud) Alaihissalam

Modudi writes:
"Hadhrat Dawood (alaihi salaam) was influenced by the general Israeeli society‟s custom during his era and asked Urya to issue a Talaaq.” 
[Tafheemaat, Part 2, Page 42, Second Edition]

“There was base and carnal desire in the act of Hadhrat Dawood (alaihi salaam) and there was inappropriate usage and abuse in his authority. It was an act which did not suit any consenting person in the government.” 
[Tafheemul Qur`aan, Part 4, Surah Swaad, Page 327]

Prophet Yusuf Alaihissalam

Modudi writes:
“Appoint me as treasurer of the land”, Maududi states: “This was not merely a request for the post of the treasury, as some people assume, in fact, it was a desire for dictatorship. As a result of this, the position which Yusuf (alaihi salaam) achieved was very much similar to the position Mussolini had held in Italy.” 
[Tafheemaat, Part 2, Page 122]

Prophet Yunus Alaihissalam

Modudi writes: "
Hadhrat Yunus (Alaihissalam) was neglectful in the duty of prophethood. Presumably he left his place before time after losing his patience.”
[Tafheemul Qur`aan, Part.2 Surah Yunus, footnote 312, 313]

Syed Abu Al-'Ala Modudi's Concept of Prophethood

Modudi writes: "Actually chastity is not a requisite with the soul of the Prophets. This is a delicate point. Allah had intentionally lifted his protection at some time or the other from every Prophet, so that one of two transgressions are committed, hence the people may not regard the Prophets as Gods and will know that they are human too."
[Surah Suaad, Page 30]

Modudi writes: "The Prophets transgress too, they are even punished."
[Surah Suaad, Page 31]

Prophets sin? Nauzubillah!

Syed Abu Al-'Ala Modudi's Concept of Sunnah and its Compilation

Modudi writes: 
'Islam is a complete way of life, but however, the achievement of these (islamic goals for complete way of life) is neither the Qur'aan nor tawaatur(Ahaadees al-Mutawatir) but they are only khabarul ahhaad'.
[Tafheemaat, Page 317]

Modudi also writes: "In the books of ahadeeth, Sihah Sitta (Saheeh al-Bukharee, Saheeh Muslim, Sunan Abee Dawood, Sunan at-Tirmidhi, Sunan Ibn Maajah, Sunan An-Nisaa'i), in this affair (of these books of hadeeth) there is no scope of any doubt in them whether these books have actually been written by those noble ones (referring to the Muhadditheen, Imam al-Bukharee, Imam Muslim, Imam at-Tirmidhee, Imam Aboo Dawood, Imam Ibn Maajah and Imam Nisaaee). And also there is no scope of doubt if the isnaad of each hadeeth reaches the Messenger of Allah (Alaihissalam).
[Tafheemaat Page 283,284]

"What is the guarantee that to whom Muhadditheen have declared to be Thiqah(Trustworthy) is infact Thiqah and to whom the Muhadditheen have declared to be ghayr-thiqah(non-trustworthy) is indeed ghayr-thiqah(non-trustworthy)?"
[Tafheemaat, Page 322].

"The compiled works of the Muhadditheen is not trustworthy."
[Tafheemaat, Page 295]

"From the history it is in-fact proven that the hadeeths of the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi wa sallam were his opinions (Qiyas) and they were not true.

[Tarjumanul Quran September - October 1946]

He also writes " The basis of Mutawaatir hadeeth is based upon Qiyas"
[Tafheemaat, Page 202]

Syed Abu Al-'Ala Modudi's Rejection of Dajjal

Modudi writes: "The hadith of coming of dajjal is fairy tale."
Tarjumanul Quran Septeber - October 1945]

Modudi writes: "It is famous about dajjal that he is jailed somewhere, so where is that place? Today, human knows every corner of the world. Then why we do not know about kaana Dajjal?" He also writes: "These Dajjal and All are (merely) stories which doesn't have any reality in the eyes Shariah, also, we do not to find out these things, If such things is Famous amongst Masses and gets proved wrong, it doens't cause any damage to Islam."
He writes: "Isn't it true that it has been 1350 (since the prophecy) and dajjal still didn't arrive?" [Rasael-O-Masael]

He writes: "Prophet ﷺ feared that the maybe Dajjal would appear in his time or in the near future after him but But has not the history of 1350 years proved that the prophet's fear was wrong?" [Rasael-O-Masael]

Syed Abu Al-'Ala Modudi's Thirst of Power (Rule)

Maududi said, “So without the desire for authority, there is no meaning for calling to a particular philosophy, and there is no meaning for what is lawful and what is forbidden, nor for the prescribed laws.” 
[Tajdeedud-Deen, Page 32-33]

Prophet Muhammad PBUH said, “Do not ask for leadership, since if you are given it having requested it, then you will be left alone to discharge it, but if you are given it without requesting it, you will be helped (by Allaah) in it.”
[Sahih Muslim 4692]

Modudi said: “Therefore the goal aspired for in the messengership of the Prophets in this world did not cease to be the establishment of the Islamic government upon the earth.”
[Tajdeedud-Deen, Page 34]

Clearly the goal of the Prophets was not to establish a government but it was to spread the word of Allah SWT, Tawheed.


Brothers and sisters, it becomes clear with the proof presented that Molana Modudi's ideology was corrupt and it has no basis from the Qur'an and the Sunnah. It must become clear that he is not the person one should take knowledge from. 

Shaykh As-Salih As-Suhaymee writes: "Books of Modudi are one of the means by which corrupt ideologies like terrorism are spread."
[Terrorism: Its Causes & Cures and a Muslim’s Position from Such Tribulations, Pages 4-7]

With regards to his rejection of Dajjal and the Sahih Ahadith, it is clear that he holds grave views. With regards to the person who rejects Ahadith;

Imam Is-haaq ibn Raahawayh (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
"Whoever hears a report from the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) that he accepts as being sound, then rejects it, not by way of dissimulation (when he has no choice because of a threat), is a disbeliever."

As-Suyooti (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
"You should understand, may Allah have mercy on you, that whoever denies that the hadith of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) constitutes shar‘i evidence – whether he denies a report that speaks of something that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said or did, if that hadith fulfils the conditions stipulated in usool al-hadith – has committed an act of disbelief that puts him beyond the bounds of Islam, and he will be gathered (on the Day of Resurrection) with the Jews and Christians, or with whomever Allah wills of the disbelieving groups."
[Miftaah al-Jannah fi’l-Ihtijaaj bi’s-Sunnah, Page 14]

Al-‘Allaamah Ibn al-Wazeer (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
"Rejecting the hadith of the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) when one is aware that it is his hadith constitutes blatant disbelief."
[Al-‘Awaasim wa’l-Qawaasim (2/274)] 

It says in Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa’imah:
"The one who denies that we should follow the Sunnah is a disbeliever, because he is expressing disbelief in Allah and His Messenger, and rejecting the consensus of the Muslims."
[Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa’imah (vol. 2, 3/194)]

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
"Whatever the Messenger (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) narrates from his Lord, it is obligatory to believe in it, whether we understand its meaning or not, because he is the most truthful one [namely the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)]. Whatever it says in the Qur’an and Sunnah, every believer must believe in it, even if he does not understand its meaning."
[Majmoo‘ al-Fataawa (3/41)]

May Allah SWT keep us safe from the fitnah around the world. 
Ameen Ya Rabbal Alameen!


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